OUSA Grants
Did you know that each year OUSA puts aside some funding to support our Affiliated Clubs and Societies? We know how important it is to have some extra help with expenses to make your projects, workshops or events a reality. And that's not all – we also have some designated funds to support individual students who are selected for special events and competitions!
There are some conditions and a limit to how much we can provide, but our aim is to give a helping hand to our Clubs and Societies, as well as individual students with specific pursuits. We're here to support you, so don't hesitate to reach out if you need any assistance!
- Read the current OUSA Grants Policy
- Scan over some historical grants to gauge what kinds of grants have been awarded and to what degree.
- Familiarise yourself with "good application" examples.
- Otago Varsity Woman's Basketball Club - Playing Uniform
- Otago Samoan Students Association - Conference
- Otago University Cambodian Club - Pull Up Banner
- Otago Malaysian Students Association - Cultural Show Case
- Submit your application, uploading supporting documentation and evidence.
- There are a garunteed 6 grant rounds over the course of the year.
- As per policy, you need to submit your application no later than 14 days prior to your project/event taking place.
- 1 - 2 weeks post a grant round closing date, the panel will meet to discuss your application.
- Recommendations are then made to the OUSA Executive for ratification.
- Once approved, the CDO will update with the outcome, formalise the approved grant via a contract, and request you to agree and sign the document.
- Pending all supporting information has been received, your grant will go to our accounts team for processing.
- As such, you should expect payment 1 - 2 months from the grant round application closing date.
- Round 1, February 28th
- Round 2, March 31st
- Round 3, April 30th
- Round 4, June 30th
- Round 5, July 31st
- Round 6, August 31st
- Wild Card Round, September 30th (only held if there are any remaining funds after Round 6)
- Application submitted via your Clubs Portal > Knowledge Library form
- Information about the event/project - tell the panel your story!
- Letter of support - this could be from a member of the community or your club president showing their support.
- Quotes - a minimum of 2 quotes for your event/project/equipment to show the panel you are getting the best deal.
- Budget - an accurate budget that showcases all incoming and outgoing costs, not including potential grant amount.
- Bank account name and number - in the form of either a deposit slip, screenshot of a statement or of account. Club name and account number must be visible and cannot be typed into a document. The account name needs to match the quotes provided.
- Application submitted via OUSA website link below.
- Information about the event/project.
- Confirmation from the organisers that you/your team are involved in the event/project.
- Letter of support - you must be selected to attend the event to be eligible for a grant, this letter of support must come from an official. Feel free to also provide a letter of support from a coach to support your application.
- Quotes - a minimum of 2 quotes for your project to show the panel you are getting the best deal.
- Budget - an accurate budget that showcases all incoming and outgoing costs.
- Bank account name and number - in the form of either a deposit slip, screenshot of a statement, or of account. The name and account number must be visible and cannot be typed into a document.
Apply for an Individual grant now >
When looking to fund an application the panel look and considers the following:
- Alignment with the grants policy
- Purpose and intent
- Measurable outcomes
- Must-haves verse wants
- Community impact and applicant investment
- Vision and mission alignment
- Fair quotations and credibility
- Accuracy and membership base
You may also be eligible for funding outside of OUSA. Here's some ideas to look into!
- University of Otago VC Grants
- University of Otago Performing Arts
- Lottery
- The Dunedin City Council
- Otago Community Trust
- Dunedin Venues Grants
- Skeggs Foundation
- Otago Regional Council
- New Zealand Community Trust
For more suggestions head to Sport NZ Funding or the Dunedin Public Library for free access to GIVEUS.
Questions? Contact our Clubs Development Officer now