What's On

Ori '22 Update

Ori '22 Update

Over the last few days, we have been forced to make the hard decision to cancel various planned events in the Ori 22 schedule.

This is in line with the current Covid 19 traffic light framework and the expectation that Otago will still be under the Red Traffic Lights setting in the upcoming weeks.

Cancellations include the following events:

Food Truck Feastival
Clubs Day

Ticket refunds will be processed through the Ticket Fairy portal in the new few days. These includes Super Pass Tickets, Zooper Passes and Cricket Tickets.

We know this is not the Ori 22 you were planning for, or the expected start of your Otago experience. As OUSA, we aim to give you the best Ori experience, together with all our sponsors and partners, so rest assured we are assessing the current red setting to tailor-make events. We will do our best to deliver an Ori 22 within the current framework.

“We are beyond disappointed that we will not be having our big music events for Ori 22, but our priority is the safety and wellbeing of you, our students, over these trying times. The fantastic team here at OUSA is still hard at work planning events that can be enjoyed under the red lights regulations, so keep watching OUSA for updates via the website and social platforms. Please remember to make the most of our OUSA support services online via the HUB. https://ousasupporthub.org.nz/. I encourage you to look out for each other over these coming weeks. Remember to scan in and wear your masks. Your student exec is here for you, so please reach out to president@ousa.org.nz”. Melissa Lama, OUSA President.

Please like our FB and Insta pages and stay tuned for all updated information.

Mostly – please be patient, be kind and stay safe.

Your team at OUSA

Friday 18th February 2022 12:00am - 12:00am