
Tues: Art Week 2024

Tues: Art Week 2024

OUSA Art Week is returning August 12th - 16th to celebrate and showcase the best artists Otago University and Otago Polytech have to offer 🤩

This year we have a jam-packed lineup, consisting of competitions and sales of all art mediums, literature, digital art, soundscape and photography. We encourage people of all skill levels to enter and have a go.

Join this page for instant updates on all Art Week events and competitions 🙌


Sign-up below

Poetry comp ✏

Annual photo comp 📸 https://ousanz.wufoo.com/forms/q184vz250d7re91/

Eletronic Art Comp 💻 https://ousanz.wufoo.com/forms/q8azwwj1prit4q/

Tuesday 13th August 2024 9:00am - 9:00pm