Clubs and Societies

University of Otago Classical Society

University of Otago Classical Society

The Classical Society is a social group for anyone and everyone interested in the classical world. Whether you're taking a Major, or just liked the movie Troy, our one goal is to bring classical nerds together, socializing with a Greek and Roman theme. Classic.

We aim to run regular events for our members! Our big event of the semester is usually a Pub Quiz, and we run smaller stuff - like movie nights - on a more regular basis, as well as our annual highlight of a cocktail evening! We keep an eye out for classic-related events happening on campus and in town too, and try keep our members up to date with anything of interest.

Academically, we are lucky to have a super supportive department behind us, with a huge range of specializations between the staff and post-grads. Additionally, the Otago Classical Association runs regular lectures with guest speakers, which presents our members with a wide variety of classical knowledge. At this stage, we are looking to include more academic events in our roster, so if you have an idea let us know!

If you're interested, the first step is to like our Facebook page. You can also register at the website link above. If you have any questions, feel free to contact us via email or on Facebook messenger at @UOCLASSOC 

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Email: uo.classicalsociety@gmail.com
Website: https://www.sporty.co.nz/uoclassoc/