Otago Kiribati Islands Students’ Association
Otago Kiribati Islands Students’ Association (OKISA) is about the encouragement and celebration of our Kiribati culture and traditions through our language, dances and many more presented by students in the association and to create a visible presence of I-Kiribati within the Otago community. OKISA is also about supporting and caring for its members studying within the University of Otago, Otago Polytechnic, and other tertiary institutions in Dunedin. And lastly, OKISA’s goal is to promote the University of Otago, Otago Polytechnic, and other tertiary institutions in Dunedin as a viable option for I-Kiribati living in Aotearoa New Zealand and in Kiribati.
OKISA is not only for I-Kiribati members, we welcome all students from all ethnic background to join our association to learn and celebrate our Kiribati culture. Our goals as an association of wanting to promote our culture and promote tertiary institutions to I-Kiribati living in Aotearoa New Zealand and Kiribati. However, our goals are to achieve 100% participation from all our I-Kiribati students to be more involved, and have more funding to support our future ideas such as starting a yearly event etc.
View constitution »Email: otagokiribatistudentassoc@gmail.com