Clubs and Societies

Poetry Comp

Poetry Comp

Looking to try something new? Maybe get fit, or get creative? Whatever it is, we got you!


Poetry Comp

What its About


Unleash the power of words and weave enchanting verses that captivate hearts and minds. Whether you're a seasoned poet or just dipping your pen into the inkwell, this competition welcomes all. Poems can be of any genre or style so dive into the depths of emotion, paint landscapes with your metaphors, and let your imagination soar!


The theme for 2024 is Past-Present-Future

You can enter up to 2 poems to be judged, and displayed as part of the OUSA Art Week (12th - 16th August).

Poems can be of any style, so long as they represent this years theme.

Some stuff you should know:

You must be a student of Otago University or Otago Polytechnic to enter.
Entries must be your own work.
Works must not have have been published, where the publisher owns rights.
We hold the right to not display any work that is deemed inappropriate for display at the University of Otago.
The winner and Runner up will receive a prize.
We hold the right to display your work for marketing and audience consumption.
This is not a serious "get feedback' kind of competition, its here for a bit of fun, experimenting, and getting your work seen. We think you are all amazing.

If you wish for your socials to be displayed with your poem please add them to your document before submitting.

Please make sure your poems are submitted as PDF to ensure formatting does not alter - we will be displaying artworks in the format we receive them. If you could kindly add the title and author name at the top of your piece for display purposes.

Entries close 5pm Friday 2nd August .